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500.00 BRL


223.094 USD

1 BRL = 0.446187 USD

1 USD = 2.24121 BRL
Mid-market rates: 2013-07-21 23:55
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Did you know?
N.Y. sellers took EUR-USD to just above 1.3100 early in the session, though with no follow through under the figure, EUR short covering went through into London close. EUR-USD traded out of 1.3100 and headed back to the 1.3150 region, where commercial offers capped overnight. There is talk doing the rounds that Greece could receive a sovereign upgrade, but it seems unlikely. Meanwhile, some EUR-GBP shorts are being liquidated and forced a ... Read More 
XE Currency Converter
The XE Currency Converter includes a currency converter, cross-rate table, and forex news to keep you up-to-date on your favorite currency pair. Visit the Curr


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